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Full Design Service Package

The Monarch

Meadowed Interiors Monarch package featuring Full Design interior design services

A Full room design. 

Starting at $2000 per room

Meadowed Interiors Monarch package featuring Full Design interior design services


Getting to know you

Complete online Project Questionnaire


Design Phase

After you decide to make Meadowed Interiors part of your design goals the true design process begins. Within 4 weeks of your Project Start Date, you will receive a sample board. If needed, we will have an onsite or in office sample meeting to make final selection choices. 


Install Day

The fun day! Seeing all of it come together! 


Let's meet

Onsite meeting to talk about your vision for the space. Meg will come with a mood board with ideas for your space for you to keep. 


Working Phase

Meadowed Interiors is not a general contractor, GCs are hired by the client, but Meadowed Interiors will check in with your GCs to keep everyone on track and on the same page. 

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